by Biruk Markos | feb 15, 2024 | Aurora Impact
We are thrilled to share the success story of Aurora Foundation’s recent Operations Management Training, a key component of the Investment Readiness Bootcamp. On February 12, we collaborated with Elba Limited to provide startups with valuable insights into...
by Biruk Markos | des 19, 2023 | Pottery School, Sweet Salone
We are excited to launch the second 18-month pottery school program in Waterloo, Sierra Leone, aimed at nurturing young creative talents. Throughout Aurora’s engagement with the Lettie Stuart Pottery center over the past years, we have been supporting them in ways to...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | okt 17, 2022 | Advisory board, Uncategorized
Alfred Akibo-Betts er nýjasti meðlimur ráðgjafaráðs Auroru, við bjóðum hann hjartanlega velkominn í Aurora fjölskylduna og hlökkum mikið til komandi samstarfs og vináttu. Alfred er alþjóðlega þekktur skattasérfræðingur og löggiltur endurskoðandi með yfir sextán ára...