
Development comes with initiatives that eliminate hindrances to people’s choices and opportunities to realise their humanity and individual talents

development & culture

Development comes with initiatives that eliminate hindrances to people’s choices and opportunities to realise their humanity and individual talents

Culture is the richest manifestation of human liberty. The cultivation of human capacities brings meaning and hope where deprivation hampers development


Culture is the richest manifestation of human liberty. The cultivation of human capacities brings meaning and hope where deprivation hampers development


The Journey of Mma Jawara

The Journey of Mma Jawara

                                                                                                                                                                                          Mma Jawara, one of the 18 exceptional women entrepreneurs selected for the UNDP...

Aurora Foundation third ICT for Beginners Course: A Remarkable Success

Aurora Foundation third ICT for Beginners Course: A Remarkable Success

We are thrilled to share the remarkable outcome of our latest ICT for Beginners course, which concluded on September 6th. Hosted at the Aurora office training center, this two-week program saw exceptional participation and success. Starting on August 26th, eager young...

Successful compelition of Marketing Bootcamp for UNDP’s Growth Accelerator Programme

Successful compelition of Marketing Bootcamp for UNDP’s Growth Accelerator Programme

                                                                                                                                                                                          We are thrilled to share the success of our recent three-day Marketing Bootcamp,...


daughter funds

Design and music are among the strongest tools we have to express our feelings and emotions, our political views and culture. As the creative process emanates from the deepest part of a person’s soul, these art forms have an impact on people from all cultures throughout the world.

Aurora’s daughter funds, Kraumur Music Fund and Aurora Design Fund, were founded with this in mind. These funds have supported numerous young designers and musicians to make their debuts or to continue newly established carriers, thus making a visible impact on the music and design scene in Iceland.

Read more about the funds on their websites.

Aurora’s core values

  • Courage
  • Creativity
  • Positivity
  • Integrity


We believe in the free and creative spirit of the mind
Our vision is to nurture and cultivate this spirit in order to improve and enrich people’s lives


We aim to be a dynamic catalyst in development and culture, by executing projects that provide a robust and permanent boost to communities

Development is about transforming the lives of people,
not just transforming economies

Joseph Stiglitz, Making Globalization Work