Hæg breytileg átt (English: Slow shifting wind) is a new project of AuroraDesign Fund


At the last DesignMarch Aurora Design Fund introduced a new project within the field of population and residential development.   The idea is to have a platform for exchanging ideas, where the focus will be on interdisciplinary thinking and giving young designers, architects, technically educated individuals and people within the humanities as well as the sciences an opportunity to form interdisciplinary teams that will attempt to solve future problems of housing.  The project is being developed and Iceland Design Centre, representatives from Reykjavik City and from SA-Confederation of Icelandic Employers have expressed their interest in taking part in the work.  The project will be introduced soon and participants will be recruited as well.    For further information see the homepage of Aurora Design Fund.

Six artists and bands received the 2024 Kraumur Music Awards 

Six artists and bands received the 2024 Kraumur Music Awards 

The Kraumur Music Award was awarded for the seventeenth time last night for the Icelandic records that stand out in terms of quality, ambition and originality.  The Kraumur Music Award is an annual album award that has been awarded since 2008. It is intended to...