Sweet Salone in Collaboration with Farmers Market Iceland!


Introducing the Farmers Market Basket in Iceland
Yesterday, we proudly launched the Farmers Market Basket in the Farmers Market Iceland Store in Iceland.

Earlier this year, the founders and designers of Farmers Market Iceland visited our artisans in Sierra Leone. They were enamored with Brama Town, its weavers, and its vibrant atmosphere. What particularly struck them was the fact that the baskets were made from locally grown materials, which made them both beautiful and practical.

During the visit many ideas started brewing – the Brama Town Basket being one of them. We’re thrilled that this idea has turned into a reality, and there are more exciting projects in the works. We can’t wait to share them with you soon!

Take a moment to enjoy these pictures from the launch of The Brama Town Basket. If you find yourself in Iceland, we highly recommend visiting the Farmers Market Iceland Store in Hólmaslóð 2.

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