Aurora supports the School-feeding in Magbenteh School again


Aurora recently decided to support the Magbenteh Community Boarding School again with its School Feeding Programme.

For the 2017/2018 academic year, a feeding programme for 186 students and 10 staff at the school was implemented, with the support from Aurora amongst others, and they were provided with 2 nutritious meals per day, 5 days per week.

Prior to the programme, many children were regularly becoming sick, and the children were struggling with their concentration spans and their guardians were unable to provide money to buy snacks at school.

Providing the students and staff 2 meals per day made a considerable difference, not only mentally but also physically. The increase in energy, concentration and general attitude of the students improved phenomenally. The feeding programme also encouraged the students to learn more about health and hygiene, with compulsory hand-washing before eating as well as washing their cutlery and bowl when they had finished. It also provided a level of independence and ownership with their own bowls and spoons.

In light of this positive result of the previous school-feeding programme Aurora decided to support it again this year, as funding for the programme had not been secured

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