Successful compelition of ICT Webpage Development Overview Course


We are excited to share the successful conclusion of our recent 2-week ICT Web Development overview and outline course, finalized on February 27th at the Aurora Office Training Center.

Participants joined us on February 12th for a week-long exploration of ICT Webpage development for beginners. The Aurora training center was filled with energy as individuals from various backgrounds came together to enhance their digital skills, culminating in their graduation on the 27th.

Out of the 16 graduates, we want to highlight the outstanding performance of three individuals who completed the course with a perfect 100% percentile on their final test, showcasing their dedication and the effectiveness of our training program.

The curriculum of the course centered around practical training on WordPress dashboard customization, profile and plugin edits, utilizing custom fields, previewing and publishing techniques. These skills are essential for navigating the digital landscape and establishing a strong online presence.

As we celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates, we extend our gratitude to all participants, trainers, and supporters who contributed to the success of this initiative. Your dedication to learning and growth is truly commendable.

Stay tuned to our official site for updates on upcoming courses and initiatives aimed at empowering individuals through education. Thank you for being an integral part of the Aurora Foundation’s mission to foster digital literacy and skill development.

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